Yamaga Co., Ltd. actively operates a new business with Japanese lacquerware and other lacquering products. Not only we hold the sense of values and the culture of traditional Japanese lacquer in high esteem, we inherit it to the next generation as a brand-new culture. Lacquerware has been long known as expensive and hard to handle, but we aim to offer them in a more casual and everyday approach. We also offer sales support, including online store managing as well as manufacturing lacquerware products.


Business Features

  • We accept small lot orders for lacquerware products and offer merchandising proposals OEM (original equipment manufacturing)

We receive orders from 1 unit. Please inquire for more details. 

  • Researching and deputizing based on experience residing abroad

  • Cross border e-commerce merchandising (including domestic merchandising) 

Corporate Name:        Yamaga Co., Ltd.

Representative:        President  Yuichi Yamaga

Office:             223 Okada, Kainan City, Wakayama Prefecture, 642-0012, Japan

Our Main Business Partners:

             JETRO Japan External Trade Organization

             Wakayama Prefectural Government Office

             Kinan Densetsu Co., Ltd.

             Kinan Global Solutions Co., Ltd.

             HAPPY MOMENT (Hong Kong)